How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World


  1. How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Game
  2. How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Quiz
  3. How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Mod
  4. How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Walkthrough

Klondike Adventures is a unique city-building game with a gold rush theme. Available on Android and iOS devices, Vizor Interactive’s nerw mobi game lets you live out the good old days when folks are literally going for gold. Explore the different territories of Alaska in hopes of striking gold. Join expeditions to the North and challenge yourself by taking on different quests. Watch the stories unfold before your very eyes. There is more to this world than what meets the eye. Work with Kate and Paul in order to solve the mysteries that surround the people you meet. Don’t forget to start your own farm! You can’t eat gold, no matter how precious it is. Take care of animals and plant different crops to ensure your survival. Slowly transform your deserted station into a bustling city! Check out our Klondike Adventures cheats, tips and hints to help get you started on the right track!

At first it's simply jumping from one to another, but eventually you'll reach a pit with a considerable number of platforms. Jump on the first, and all but one of the adjacent platforms will blink.

How to get past the tent puzzle in fnaf world quiz

1. Complete Your Tasks

Games that use an energy system can feel quite restrictive. There is a way around it in Klondike Adventures, though. If you use your time wisely, you will be able to play a lot without spending too much energy. The key is to consistently work on your tasks. You will be given different tasks to complete. As soon as you finish one, another NPC will give you a different task. The more tasks you complete, the more content you will be able to unlock. On top of that, you will not be burning through your energy needlessly. Just keep following the tasks you are given, and you won’t find yourself short on energy.

2. How To Clear Large Objects

How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Game


How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Quiz

Since you start out with a deserted station, you will have a lot of debris and obstacles lying around. You will want to clear these out as soon as you can in order to build structures. Unfortunately, removing obstacles use up energy. The bigger the obstacle, the more energy is required to remove it. You will encounter obstacles that are so big you will end up using too much energy to get rid of them. Hold off on removing those big ones. Wait until you level up, so you can use the energy bonus to remove the obstacle. You will normally go over the energy limit because of the bonus, so you will be able to meet the energy requirement without any problems.

3. Look For Random Boxes

Once in a while, a random box will pop up somewhere on the map. Make sure you keep an eye out for it and tap on it as soon as you spot one. Boxes often contain varying amounts of energy that will help you stay in the game. What is even better is that they don’t cost energy to open. They also sometimes contain gems and other resources like moon stones and malachite. They don’t contain a lot, but if you are diligent in spotting them, the freebies you get will eventually pile up.

4. Hold Off On Claiming Quest Rewards

How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Mod

If you will notice, completing a quest does not automatically give you rewards. You will have to manually turn in the quest in order to receive the reward. If you still have a lot of energy, or if you will be logging off soon, you can hold off on claiming the rewards. You can save the quest rewards for later when you run out of energy. This way, you don’t end up wasting any of the energy rewards. You can also hoard energy rewards until you have enough to take out a large obstacle. You can then claim all the quest rewards at once to gain enough excess energy to remove the obstacle.

5. Sell What You Don’t Need

How To Get Past The Tent Puzzle In Fnaf World Walkthrough

Money can be difficult to acquire after a while. Upgrade costs keep increasing, so you will eventually struggle to keep up. If you have already completed all the orders for the day, and you don’t want to wait for the next batch, you can head into your storage. Check the items that you have and see which ones you can get rid of. You can sell almost anything in your storage, so just keep selling your extra junk until you have the money you need.

It is time to build the ultimate gold mining town in Klondike Adventures! Just follow the tips and tricks listed above in order to unlock everything!