Animal Crossing 30000 Bells Code

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Tom Nook will personally assign you to overhaul an uncivilized island, strong-arming you into establishing amenities like bridges and paths. Your altruistic island management is all well and good, but Nook also expects you to fund these endeavors with Bells from your own pocket. Doing so can be tough, especially without the Bells glitch that was patched out. Outside of gambling big on the Stalk Market, a fruitful side venture that can earn you lots of Bells is something called Money Trees.

With Money Trees, you can earn at least 30,000 Bells in a matter of days, so use your agriculture skills to pay off that outstanding loan using these tips.

Animal Crossing Gamecube 30000 Bells Code

How to grow a money tree in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

There isn't a 100,000 bells but here are some other good cheat codes. 30,000 PASSWORD: WB28pARAcnownU. Golden fishing rod: Y%9FUKhrekPQ6a. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you’ll want to earn Bells as much as you did in any other game (if it’s your first, welcome!) and we’ve got several kinds of ways for you to make money fast.

  1. Every day, a small glowing spot will appear on your island (as pictured above). Find the glowing spot. Once located, use your shovel to dig the spot. You'll receive a bag containing 1,000 Bells.
  2. Go into your inventory menu and select your Bells. You'll be able to turn your Bells into bags.
  3. Plant a high-value bag filled with Bells into the hole, ideally 10,000 Bells.
  4. Wait for a few days until it bears 'fruit' in the form of bags full of Bells.
  5. Shake the tree to receive three Bell bags, each containing a sum equal to what you initially planted. The Money Tree will then revert into a normal tree.
  6. Repeat the process every day to get a rolling income of 30,000 daily.

How to Harvest a Money Tree in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Money Trees present the most efficient and reliable way to earn capital in New Horizons, but you can also lose quite a bit of money if you don't do it correctly.

Once a Money Tree blossoms, you'll get triple what you planted, but only up to a point. Bags containing 10,000 or fewer Bells are guaranteed to produce triple the amount. If you plant more than 10,000 however, it's a total gamble. While some villagers have earned three bags of 99,000 Bells from initially planting a 99,000 bag, others report a return of 10,000 Bells per bag. In other words, it's possible to plant 99,000 and only get 30,000 back. So why bother unless you're flush to begin with?

Players should plant no more than 10,000 Bells unless they are willing to risk squandering whatever amount beyond that they plant with the initial investment.

Animal Crossing 30000 Bells Code

To maximize efficiency, you should try grouping all your Money Trees in a single location. After first burying your Bells in the glowing hole, you can dig up the sapling and replant it wherever you want. So the best way to do this is consolidate the money trees in a single location.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now available for Nintendo Switch.

Gamecube Animal Crossing 30000 Bells Code

'Money' redirects here. For other forms of currency, see Category:Currency.

Bells are the primary currency used in the Animal Crossing series, with Nook Miles introduced as a secondary currency in New Horizons.There are many ways for players to acquire Bells; the player may sell items, do favors for or trade with villagers, or even find money from shaking trees, digging holes, or in balloon presents. Bells may be carried by the player in their wallet and also in a bag in their pocket. Bells can be saved to accrue interest and used to pay off the player's home loan. Players may spend Bells to purchase items from vendors like Nook's Store, Crazy Redd's, Able Sisters, Brewster, or special characters like Saharah and Harriet. Players can plant Bells in the ground with a shovel to grow a Money Tree.

Carrying limits[edit]

GameTotal Carrying Limit
Animal Crossing849,999 Bells
Animal Crossing: Wild World1,584,999 Bells
Animal Crossing: City Folk1,584,999 Bells
Animal Crossing: New Leaf1,683,999 Bells
Animal Crossing: New Horizons4,059,999 Bells

Animal Crossing 30000 Bells Code

In the original Animal Crossing, players can carry up to 849,999 Bells at any one time. In Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City Folk, this is substantially expanded upon as players can have 99,999 Bells in their wallet and fifteen 99,000 Bell bags in their pockets, bringing the grand total to a maximum of 1,584,999 Bells on hand at any one time. In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, players can carry sixteen 99,000 Bell bags in their pockets at one time, for a grand total of 1,683,999 Bells at once. This can be further expanded by putting Bells into letters for an additional 990,000 Bells, but these do not count as on hand as they will not be counted when the player talks to someone who wants to sell something. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players can carry a total of forty 99,000 Bell bags in their pockets, provided their pockets are fully upgraded, for a grand total of 3,960,000 Bells at once.

Bells are most often seen in tan sacks with a dark brown star in the middle, tied with red rope at the top but are actually coins if viewed as items in quantities of multiples of 100 (as opposed to 1,000 as is normal) in City Folk. In Animal Crossing, all money appears in a sack. In Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, Peppy villagers working the register at facilities may mention finding a counterfeit Bell with an image of Tortimer's face where the star would normally be.


  • Animal Crossing

  • Animal Crossing (100 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing (1,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing (10,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing (30,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing (Animal Island)

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World (100 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World (1,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World (30k Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World (99k Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World

  • Animal Crossing: City Folk

  • Animal Crossing: City Folk

  • Animal Crossing: City Folk (100 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: City Folk (1,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: City Folk (30,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: City Folk (99k Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf (100 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf (1,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf (30,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf (99k Icon)

  • Animal Crossing Plaza
    (Miiverse stamp)

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons (100 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons (1,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons (30,000 Icon)

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons (99k Icon)


Names in other languages[edit]

Animal Crossing Gamecube Cheat Codes 30000 Bells



Líng qián
Bell Money, also homophony with 零钱 Líng qián (change)
Ding (the sound a bell makes)
KlingelJingle (sound of a bell)
Gameplay Elements
PlayerPlayer • Mayor(Mayor points) • Catalog • Catch quotes • Hairstyle • Passport • Pockets • Photo • Reaction • Skin tone • Tool • Town Pass Card
TownTown/Island • Hemisphere • Amenities • Animal tracks • Rebuild the town • Acres • Town fund • Town initiative • Town ordinance
LifeHouse • Happy Home Academy • Balloon • Donation • Event • Fashion Check • Fêng shui • Insurance • Letter • Luck • Mortgage • Moving • NookPhone • Savings • Visit
ActivitiesBadges • Constellation • GBA minigames• Mystery Island Tour • Part-time job • Stalk Market • Swimming • Island Tour(Tortimer Island)
Character AIVillager • Special Characters • Catchphrase • Compatibility • Conversation • Episode • Friendship • Hobbies • Memory • Nickname • Personality • Petition • Sickness • Star sign
QuestsBall • Favor • Hide-and-Seek • Lost item • Time capsule
CurrenciesBells • Leaf Tickets • Medals • MEOW Coupons • Nook Miles • Play Coins • Vouchers
VehiclesBus • Camper • RV • Seaplane • Taxi • Toy Cornimer Robot • Train • U.F.O.
ConnectivityMultiplayer • amiibo phone • Dream • DS Suitcase • Friend Code • Happy Home Network(Design Contest) • Nintendo Network • Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection • NookLink • Tag Mode • Transfer • WiiConnect24
CheatingCheating device • Glitch • Hacking • Hacked villager • Seeds • Time travel • Villager modifier
Fourth WallResetSecret codeCategory
Gameplay Elements
Player • Mayor(Mayor points) • Catalog • Catch quotes • Hairstyle • Passport • Pockets • Photo • Reaction • Skin tone • Tool • Town Pass Card
Town/Island • Hemisphere • Amenities • Animal tracks • Rebuild the town • Acres • Town fund • Town initiative • Town ordinance
House • Happy Home Academy • Balloon • Donation • Event • Fashion Check • Fêng shui • Insurance • Letter • Luck • Mortgage • Moving • NookPhone • Savings • Visit
Badges • Constellation • GBA minigames• Mystery Island Tour • Part-time job • Stalk Market • Swimming • Island Tour(Tortimer Island)
Character AI
Villager • Special Characters • Catchphrase • Compatibility • Conversation • Episode • Friendship • Hobbies • Memory • Nickname • Personality • Petition • Sickness • Star sign
Ball • Favor • Hide-and-Seek • Lost item • Time capsule
Bells • Leaf Tickets • Medals • MEOW Coupons • Nook Miles • Play Coins • Vouchers
Bus • Camper • RV • Seaplane • Taxi • Toy Cornimer Robot • Train • U.F.O.
Multiplayer • amiibo phone • Dream • DS Suitcase • Friend Code • Happy Home Network(Design Contest) • Nintendo Network • Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection • NookLink • Tag Mode • Transfer • WiiConnect24
Cheating device • Glitch • Hacking • Hacked villager • Seeds • Time travel • Villager modifier
Fourth WallResetSecret codeCategory
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